What Is The Fresh Start Academy?
Welcome to Dr. Fox’s exclusive membership group!
We are extremely excited to offer you this program. If you are looking for group health coaching, cutting edge nutrition information and a positive, supportive community then this academy is for you.
The Fresh Start Academy has many unique tools available only to our members. Not only will you have access to the ever-expanding Fresh Start library, but you will get to learn directly from Dr. Fox. His monthly interactive live coaching classes are only offered here.
This Academy is designed to empower you by taking your learning to a deeper level and giving you proven ways to reset your health.
The Fresh Start Academy Includes:
Pick Your Payment Option
Monthly Membership
$38 per Month
- Access To Entire Course Library
- Access To Fresh Start Tool Box
- Access To Dr. Fox's Cutting Edge Research Library
- Access To Monthly Fresh Start Calls
- Access To Tight-Knit Community Of LIke Minded Individuals
Yearly Membership
$349 per Year ($1440 Value)
- Access To Entire Course Library
- Access To Fresh Start Tool Box
- Access To Dr. Fox's Cutting Edge Research Library
- Access To Monthly Fresh Start Calls
- Access To Tight-Knit Community Of Like Minded Individuals
- A Powerful Year Long Committment To Your Health
- Invite To Yearly Live Health Retreat